Here we go again, folks. Kamala Harris is back at it, spinning her anti-gun rhetoric while trying to claim she’s defending civil rights. Yes, you heard that right. The same Kamala Harris who has spent her career pushing for more gun restrictions is now claiming “safety” is a civil right. But here’s the kicker: her so-called safety involves stripping away one of the most fundamental civil rights Americans have—the right to own firearms.
Let’s break it down. According to Harris, every American deserves safety, and who could disagree with that? We all want safety. But when she talks about safety, what she really means is removing your ability to protect yourself by restricting access to guns. Somehow, in her twisted logic, taking away weapons from law-abiding citizens makes us safer. It’s the classic anti-gun, big-government mentality that ignores reality and undermines our Second Amendment rights.
Guns Protect Civil Rights
Let’s be clear—guns are civil rights. The right to bear arms is what allows everyday Americans to defend themselves, their families, and their property. Without firearms, we would be left at the mercy of criminals and a government that increasingly shows signs of wanting to control every aspect of our lives. Kamala Harris conveniently ignores this reality. She talks about safety but refuses to acknowledge that guns are often what create safety.
Here’s the contradiction: Harris argues for safety as a civil right but actively works to destroy the very tool—guns—that ensures that safety. And she’s not just coming for your guns because she thinks it’s for your own good. It’s part of a larger agenda that the left has been pushing for decades—disarm Americans, weaken their ability to defend themselves, and consolidate more power in the hands of government elites.
Gun Control Doesn’t Stop Crime
Let’s talk facts for a second. The places in America with the strictest gun control—Chicago, New York, Los Angeles—are also the places where gun violence is rampant. You can’t argue that more gun restrictions will make us safer when the evidence shows that they don’t. Criminals don’t care about gun laws. If anything, gun control disarms the law-abiding citizen, leaving them vulnerable while criminals run the streets with illegal firearms.
Kamala Harris won’t admit this because it doesn’t fit her narrative. She knows that gun control doesn’t work, but she pushes it anyway because it’s about control, not safety. Harris and her anti-gun allies want to control your ability to own weapons because they know that an armed populace is harder to control. If you take away guns from the people, you make them more dependent on the government for protection. And that’s exactly what the left wants—more dependence, more control.
A Civil Right to Defend Ourselves
The right to bear arms is enshrined in our Constitution for a reason. Our Founding Fathers understood that an armed populace is necessary to safeguard against tyranny. Guns are the great equalizer. They allow the weak to defend themselves against the strong, the law-abiding to protect themselves from criminals, and free citizens to resist government overreach. If safety is a civil right, then guns are the ultimate tool to ensure that right.
Harris’ argument is nothing short of absurd. Calling for safety while advocating for more gun restrictions is like saying you believe in free speech but want to ban certain words. You can’t have it both ways. Guns are safety. Firearms are civil rights. And the sooner the American people recognize that, the better.
The Left’s Real Agenda
The reality is that Harris and her anti-gun friends don’t care about your safety. They care about advancing their agenda, which involves disarming law-abiding citizens and centralizing power in the hands of the government. The left has been trying to strip away our Second Amendment rights for decades, and this is just their latest move.
Let’s not be fooled by Harris’ empty rhetoric. When she talks about “safety,” she’s really talking about control. Gun control doesn’t stop crime—it emboldens criminals and weakens our ability to defend ourselves. And if Harris gets her way, the only people with guns will be the government and the criminals. That’s not safety. That’s tyranny.
So the next time Kamala Harris starts preaching about civil rights and safety, remember this: the Second Amendment is a civil right, and owning firearms is what truly keeps us safe.