A new accusation against the Biden-Harris administration has sparked outrage, as a prominent think tank claims they have facilitated what is being called the largest handout to illegal immigrants in American history. This bold claim, made by Hayden Dublois, Data and Analytics Director at the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA), raises significant concerns about the administration’s expansion of Medicaid benefits, allegedly to the benefit of illegal immigrants.
In an opinion piece published by Fox News, Dublois outlined the rapid growth in Medicaid enrollment among illegal immigrants, presenting startling figures that showcase an alleged fivefold increase between 2019 and 2023. According to his report, the number of illegal immigrants receiving Medicaid benefits has ballooned by 500% across nine states. Today, it is estimated that more than 100,000 illegal immigrants are accessing Medicaid nationwide, costing U.S. taxpayers a staggering $1 billion annually.
At the center of this controversy is a new federal regulation, enacted by Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in June. This policy change, according to Dublois, allows illegal immigrants to remain on Medicaid indefinitely, sidestepping previous rules that required proof of citizenship or lawful residence within 90 days of applying for Medicaid. The 90-day grace period, initially implemented as a temporary measure to allow applicants to submit documentation, is now reportedly being extended without any hard deadlines.
This new rule has drawn intense criticism, as it effectively creates what Dublois and the FGA describe as a loophole that keeps illegal immigrants on Medicaid rolls permanently. With the extension of these grace periods, states are now unable to remove ineligible individuals from Medicaid, creating a system ripe for abuse and overburdening an already strained healthcare safety net.
The FGA warns that the worst is yet to come. As word of this extended benefit period spreads, Dublois argues, the U.S. could see an even greater surge of illegal immigration. The expanded Medicaid benefits, which are meant for American citizens and lawful residents, are now viewed as a substantial incentive for those crossing the border illegally.
The concern is that this policy shift could exacerbate the current situation at the southern border, which has already seen unprecedented numbers of illegal crossings under the Biden-Harris administration. The FGA’s…