Ridiculous Gun Storage Rule Set To Be Law In Liberal State..


One of the many problems with the government as it relates to people who exercise their Second Amendment rights is this: the gun grabbers don’t understand the difference between suggesting something to someone and telling someone they have to do something.

Give you an example. We had a bunch of family over last Christmas and we made the decision to use some really good paper plates for the meal because we were going to have a dozen people over.

Everything is laid out and one member of my family, the one liberal I allow into my home, begins telling me about how wrong I am about using paper plates and they’re bad for the environment and all that crap. That was them telling me to do something.

Now, if this same person said to me, “Hey, next time we do this you should try these ceramic plates that I found. I’ll show you the website I got them from later”, that would have been a suggestion and I wouldn’t have been spending the rest of the evening debating kicking them out of my house.

We lovers of the Second Amendment have to deal with these people that don’t know the difference between a suggestion and a command all the time.

For example, I own a Remington 870 that I keep in a closet that is the easiest of my firearms to get to in the event I hear someone breaking into my home. I don’t keep it in a gun safe, because that is my “I don’t have time to remember the combination at four in the morning” gun.

It sits empty, with the box of Federal – Vital-Shok Ammo 12 Gauge 3″ #4 Shot sitting right next to it. If someone broke in, there’d be about nine seconds between wakeup and fully loaded.

Anyway, there are some states that for whatever reason make it harder for you to be able to use what’s effectively a tool at the time you would most likely need to use it.

The state of Rhode Island has passed a bill that mandates more restrictive storage regulations. The regulations require that all firearms have to be stored in a locked container. Their argument is that it will percent accidental shootings and unauthorized access.

Now, while I believe that it might be a pretty good idea to lock your guns up if you have small children around, this is one of those things that makes absolutely no sense to a good number of people.

Think about this, what if you live by yourself? You keep the gun in a drawer in your bedroom or something like that. This should be enough right?

Nope! Under this ridiculous law they want to make you go through the extra step of locking the gun up in a box. That is just gonna rob you of precious seconds that you will need if you are being put in a situation where you have to defend yourself.

I mean, it makes no sense whatsoever to make someone who would live by themselves to lock a gun up the same way if they had six kids or something like that.

The gun grabbers in this situation are misrepresenting the truth when it comes to the things that they say that gun violence is the leading cause of children. It’s just not the truth, but of course liberal states are gonna continue to liberal.

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