Biden Team Releases Photo Of Elite Delta Force Fighters, Jeopardizing National Security – The Conservative


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On Wednesday night, the Biden administration’s media team committed a major security error by releasing a photograph of members of the United States Army’s 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1SFOD-D), more commonly known as Delta Force.

Hundreds of thousands of people had viewed the image, which posed a significant threat to the safety and security of Delta Force operators — some of the most highly trained and secretive forces in our nation.

Members of this unit are trained for highly specialized and dangerous missions, often behind enemy lines. Their identities are kept secret in order to protect the missions they participate in and safeguard their families back home.

Unfortunately, the Biden Administration either failed to recognize or chose to disregard this essential security measure when they posted an unaltered image of the fighters online.

The post was removed approximately one hour later, yet by that time considerable damage had already been inflicted.

The caption read:

In Israel, “President Biden met with first responders to thank them for their bravery and the work they’re doing in response to the Hamas terrorist attacks.”

It is imperative to emphasize that the moment the photograph was made public, it became a potential source of intelligence for hostile foreign agents.

Every second this image remained accessible to the public posed another risk to our nation’s interests. Even after its removal, it is likely that the image has been obtained and stored by hostile parties.

This isn’t simply speculation; it is an assessment based on real-world consequences of security breaches.As a leading power in information technology and cyber-warfare, this mistake is not only embarrassing but also dangerous.

This isn’t the first time Joe Biden has exposed an elite military specialist in this manner.

It is imperative to emphasize the gravity of the situation when a photograph of an elite military specialist is made public. By doing so, it becomes a potential source of intelligence for hostile foreign agents with each second that it remains accessible posing another risk to our nation’s interests.

Even after its removal, there is still a likelihood that the image has been acquired and stored by enemies. This assessment is based on real-life ramifications…



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