In an administration already marred by rising crime rates and growing concerns about border security, Vice President Kamala Harris continues to demonstrate where her true priorities lie: importing more problems while leaving American citizens defenseless. As crime spirals out of control across many parts of the country, Harris’s policies on immigration and gun control seem like a coordinated effort to weaken law-abiding citizens—denying them the right to defend themselves while ushering in more chaos.
Vice President Harris has long been a vocal advocate for stricter gun control measures. While this isn’t surprising coming from a Democrat administration, the timing of her push is particularly alarming. Crime has surged in many American cities, exacerbated by lenient border policies that have led to an influx of illegal immigrants. Some of these individuals have ties to gang activity, drug cartels, and other criminal elements. Yet, Harris’s solution is not to strengthen border security or empower citizens to defend themselves with firearms, but to restrict access to guns, effectively making it harder for responsible Americans to protect their homes and families.
This rise in violent crime coincides with the Biden administration’s deliberate weakening of immigration enforcement. While the vice president continues her crusade against guns, law enforcement across the country is dealing with an increased strain on resources. Communities already plagued by crime are now also facing the challenges of undocumented immigrants who, in some cases, contribute to these crime rates. The administration’s approach leaves local authorities overwhelmed and ordinary citizens at risk, with fewer tools to defend themselves.
Consider the real impact of Harris’s policies. As firearm ownership becomes more restricted, the people most affected aren’t the criminals. Those with ill intentions will always find a way to get their hands on guns. It’s the law-abiding citizens, who follow the rules, undergo background checks, and use firearms responsibly, who are left vulnerable. In cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles, where some of the strictest gun control laws are in place, the result has been a continual rise in gun-related crime. Yet Harris remains undeterred, pushing for even more stringent laws that disarm citizens rather than criminals.
What’s worse is that Harris seems unwilling to acknowledge the correlation between her open-border stance and the uptick in crime. When a nation allows unchecked immigration, it inevitably leads to issues beyond just population growth. We’ve seen a rise in gang activity, human trafficking, and drug smuggling—all crimes that threaten the safety of American citizens. And yet, the response from the Biden-Harris administration is to make it more difficult for those very citizens to own firearms, removing one of the most effective means of self-defense.
The Second Amendment was designed to ensure that Americans had the right to bear arms, not just for hunting or recreation, but as a safeguard against threats, whether foreign or domestic. When Harris targets gun ownership, she’s not just attacking a right; she’s actively undermining Americans’ ability to protect themselves in an increasingly dangerous environment. The administration’s actions reflect a gross misunderstanding of what makes a society safe. It’s not about disarming citizens—it’s about empowering them to take control of their own security.
Harris’s disdain for firearms is well-documented. She has championed initiatives that would limit access to guns, including banning so-called assault weapons and implementing extensive background checks. These measures might sound reasonable on the surface, but they do little to address the root causes of violence. Criminals don’t care about background checks. Gangs don’t go through legal channels to purchase their firearms. The people who suffer most from these policies are those who follow the law and want nothing more than to exercise their constitutional right to own a gun for personal protection.
Meanwhile, as Harris and the rest of the Biden administration focus on gutting the Second Amendment, they are neglecting the very real crisis at the border. Instead of curbing illegal immigration, which could reduce some of the crime-related pressures on American communities, the administration is exacerbating the problem by encouraging more migrants to cross into the country. Many of these migrants come seeking a better life, but with them, unfortunately, also come criminals who exploit the porous border for their own gain.
The result of these policies is clear: a more dangerous America. A country where law-abiding citizens are increasingly helpless to defend themselves because their government is more concerned with restricting gun ownership than addressing the real issues that lead to violence. And a country where criminals, both homegrown and imported, are emboldened by the knowledge that their potential victims may not have the means to fight back.
If Vice President Harris and the Biden administration truly cared about the safety of Americans, they would focus on enforcing the laws already in place, securing the border, and allowing citizens to exercise their right to own firearms. Instead, they are doing the opposite—importing crime and leaving everyday Americans defenseless in the process. The American people deserve better. They deserve leadership that prioritizes their safety, upholds the Constitution, and recognizes that disarming citizens is not the solution to crime—it’s an invitation for more chaos.