Violent Attack On Elderly Trump Supporter Caught On Camera



I abhor all kinds of violent behavior, especially political violence. The idea that someone would want to harm someone based on who they want to vote for makes absolutely no sense to me.

I mean, I am not the type of person that will put a campaign sign in my lawn or a bumper sticker on my car. Far as I am concerned it is my own business who I vote for (Trump in case you haven’t figured it out).

The problem is that there are far too many liberals like some of the crazier ones we have seen in the news recently that don’t get that the whole point of political discussion is to discuss, not throw punches.


Tell you a little what I am talking about; during the 2020 election season, one of my neighbors had a solitary Biden/Harris campaign sign in his front yard.

I didn’t touch one square inch of that sign, because as much as I find it ridiculous, it is his right to have his stupid sign.

We all need to realize that, that if the person isn’t breaking any laws that we need to leave folks alone.

It’s a thing that liberals don’t quite seem to realize.

Like the case of something that happened recently in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan recently.

An elderly Trump supporter was was injured during a rampage in Hancock, Michigan in which a crazed liberal on an ATV went through town vandalizing anything that a Trump sign or sticker on it.

Then this lunatic tried running over an eighty year old man with the ATV, causing severe injuries including a brain bleed.

Unfortunately, following a call to the police to confess to what he had done, the suspected vandal was found dead of a self inflicted gunshot wound.

The whole thing could have been prevented if someone would have just sat this person down and taught them the value of trying to get along with people you disagree with.

He almost killed an old man because of a political disagreement.

If I went out grocery shopping an hour from now and saw an old man with a Harris for President sticker on the back of his car struggling with his groceries, my first thought would be to ask if he needed help.

Because that’s what decent people do.


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