Police officers have one of the most dangerous jobs, as they have to be ready to defend themselves against violent people while navigating dangerous situations.
A police sergeant in Dawson County, Georgia, offered a homeless man a ride to the gas station and even gave him some money, only to find himself in danger moments later. The homeless man became violent and began striking the Good Samaritan police officer in the face. A female bystander who was legally carrying a handgun took a shot and sent the violent suspect running.
The heroic woman fired another bullet at the homeless man, hitting him at least once. She potentially saved the officer’s life, and the Dawson County Sheriff is calling her a hero. Following the suspect’s violence, other bystanders applauded her bravery for being the first one to step out and stand up for the police sergeant. They restrained the homeless assailant until backup arrived and he could be arrested.
Both Sgt. Harkness and the suspect were transported to the hospital. Although police officers are on the job to protect and serve their communities, they always appreciate it when citizens offer a helping hand. The Sheriff’s office is happy that the woman stepped forward in this time of need. They also believe that the incident serves as a reminder why the second amendment can come into good use.
“I truly believe that she’s a hero,” said Sheriff Jeff Johnson. “I believe that she potentially saved this officer’s life. We don’t know how far the suspect would have gone with the assault.”
The incident remains under investigation, which is customary practice. However, it is unlikely the police will charge the woman for using her firearm.
This story is a reminder that police officers never know what they’re up against, and they always have to be on watch and vigilant. When problems arise, people call the police, and that means officers have to be ready to defend themselves against violent people all while navigating dangerous situations. But it is heartwarming to see that citizens are willing to step up and offer a helping hand when they can.
Source: AWM