Second Amendment Foundation Helping REVERSE A Ridiculous Gun Rule


Folks, those of you who carry pretty much anywhere that you are legally allowed to (which should be everywhere by the way) know how much of a pain it is when you find yourself in a situation where you have to disarm temporarily.

For example, I run a lot of errands in between work and home during the day. Most businesses that I frequent have absolutely no problem with me coming in with my Glock G26 G4 because since I have a conceal carry permit and they tend to not know about it to begin with.

Most places are usually pretty cool about firearms, especially if you are lucky enough to live in a state where you don’t have a liberal pointing at everyone who is carrying a gun like they are the Pod People from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

However, there are some places still for whatever reason that are big pains in the rear when it comes to guns.

Like the post office. For as long as I can remember, even if you had a conceal carry permit and had never committed a crime above walking across the street when the sign said Don’t Walk, if you walked into a post office with a gun they are probably going to arrest you.

It’s complete and utter nonsense. First of all, what the heck is there to steal at the post office if you were so inclined? Books of stamps with the state flowers on them?

Despite being one of the least logical places where someone would attempt to rob someone, you are not allowed to carry into a post office. Period.

Which puts so many of us with conceal carry permits in a bind because there are times to be honest where I have my Glock on me and I carry it with me so much I don’t even think that I have it. Sort of like the way we all have our phones with us all the time and don’t even think about it.

It’s a whole process to make sure you are complying with such an outdated law.

Which is why I am grateful for the Second Amendment Foundation. They have recently filed a federal lawsuit in Texas that challenges the ban on carrying in U.S. Post Offices and postal property due to the notion that they are violations of the Second Amendment.

Their suit argues that “Millions of legally armed private citizens, whose daily routines may include visits to post offices to pick up or drop off mail, are directly impacted by this infringement. There is no well-established, representative historical analogue to justify this regulation, which violates the Second Amendment.”

Think about the processes that you have probably had to go through when you were asked to go to a post office with your weapon on you.

Either you had to drive all the way home, secure your gun at home, and drive back to the post office; or you had to secure it in your vehicle somehow. I don’t know about most of you but I don’t keep a firearms safe in my car.

Hopefully this lawsuit wins and reverses this ridiculous ruling. All it ever really did was inconvenience people that are law abiding gun owners.

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