New Orleans Police Head Just Slapped The Second Amendment Right In The Face


Everyone that is reading this knows that if there is a rule that exists, there is someone out there trying to bend or break it, especially when it comes to liberals and guns.

Or at the very least, there is someone that is trying to trample all over the letter and even in some cases the spirit of the law.

Anyone who remembers covering a rental copy of a movie with a piece of Scotch tape back in the day to dub a copy of a movie knows exactly what I am talking about.

Now I’m not here to talk movies, I’m here to talk about another completely and totally asinine way in which gun grabbers are trying to cause problems for law-abiding gun owners who are doing nothing more than trying to exercise their rights under the Second Amendment.

Back in March, Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed into law the state’s permitless carry law, which got rid of the permit requirements for people in that state to carry a concealed weapon. By the way, I love Louisiana and this is another reason. I try not to visit states where I have to play hopscotch with their state gun laws.

However, no matter how well a bike might be moving down the road there is always some jackass that is going to try to put a stick in the spokes.

Every time I have visited the great state of Louisiana, I have always made a trip to New Orleans and walked through the French Quarter. I might be changing that going forward because a public official in the city has made a move that is so low rent that it isn’t even funny.

Police Superintendent Anne Kilpatrick pulled a stunt at the beginning of July that is so bush league it isn’t even funny.

Kilpatrick designated a police station in the French Quarter a vocational-technical school. State law in Louisiana prohibits carrying a concealed weapon within a thousand feet of a school, so in effect they have circumvented the Governor’s mandate.

This turns a good portion of the French Quarter into one of those gun free zones the liberals are always patting themselves on the backs over.

The problem here that the presence of a school that’s not really a school presents is that it is a tool of the gun grabbers in the city of New Orleans to harass law-abiding gun owners.

It gives cops in the area the authority to stop and search anyone that they think is carrying a gun. I could be walking down Bourbon Street with my Walther PDP Compact and they could stop me because I didn’t notice the invisible school.

And oh yeah, they are as pleased as can be that they figured out some kind of workaround to get what they want.

It’s really what they want at the end of the day, they just want to be able to control you and your movement. If it wasn’t the case, why in the heck did they designate a police station a school?

I mean, what the hell is next, calling a McDonald’s a school because a kid ate a Happy Meal there earlier?

We have to keep these Democrat officials in check at every possible opportunity, otherwise, they pull sneaky crap like this.


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