The Presidential election of 2024 is going to be the most important one in the history of our nation.
Make no mistake about it, the Second Amendment is on the line with Kamala Harris taking over for the old and decrepit Joe Biden.
However, much as Joe Biden’s time in office was looked at by many as nothing more than an extension of Obama’s presidency, people are looking at Kamala to continue everything that Joe Biden was planning on doing.
This of course is going to end up with Kamala potentially doing everything that she can to shred the Second Amendment to pieces.
Doesn’t matter if you are just some guy with a Glock or an AR-15, or you buy a box of ammo once a week to use at the range, Kamala Harris looks at you as a second class citizen that should be on some kind of watch list.
Don’t believe me? Well, when she was originally running in 2020, she called for a mandatory buyback of assault weapons, which is basically Democrat speak for a confiscation of your personal property by government agents.
See, they don’t want to call it an out-and-out confiscation, but what other people like Kamala Harris want to do is to disguise their true intent behind language that seems more innocent.
I mean, on the surface a mandatory buyback doesn’t sound too big a deal. Then when you look at the word mandatory, that means that they can take a rifle that you might have spent several hundred dollars on from you and give you ten dollars from it and if you don’t comply (that’s where the mandatory comes into play) they can arrest you and take your guns, your house and every other thing that you own.
Never mind the fact that a mandatory confiscation of firearms would be in violation of so many laws that it would never actually go through; they will find ways to make it happen.
Harris hasn’t mentioned her armed confiscation plans recently, but she doesn’t need to.
After Joe Biden resigned from the presidential race via social media and Harris was given the frontrunner mantle, of course the media jumped to offer whatever assistance they could. After all, here is a politician who advocated seizing “assault weapons” by force, which fits the media’s anti-gun narrative 100-percent.
Now you would think that the media would point out the fact that she has such a horrible anti-gun agenda.
The issue there lies in the fact that the mainstream media has been trying to push the “guns are bad” narrative for so long that they have conditioned people to believe that anyone that goes against the Second Amendment is some kind of hero.
But we all know the truth. Democrats and the media keep trying to push the narrative that all gun owners are these terrifying ogres that are looking for a reason to shoot someone.
In reality, and you all know this, being a gun owner is like having a really nice tool that you pray every day that you never have to use.
I personally say a prayer before I go to bed every night that I never have to use my weapon on another human being.
Kamala Harris acts like we are all itching to shoot the first person that looks at us sideways.