In the aftermath of a harrowing tragedy, a young survivor awakens from a coma with a miraculous story of divine encounter, giving a new, spiritual perspective on the unfathomable mysteries of life and death.
It was a blessed day filled with prayer and devotion when Julie, Andy Kemp, and their young son, Landon, left the comforting embrace of their church and headed for home. The unexpected horror of a speeding ambulance colliding with their vehicle changed everything, abruptly claiming Andy’s life and leaving Landon in a fight for his own. The frantic whirl of sirens and quick actions of emergency personnel on the scene saw the gravely injured boy airlifted to a North Carolina hospital, a desperate race against time to save his young life.
Julie painfully recalled her husband’s last moments, his panicked yells that she failed to understand until it was too late. “I looked but never saw what he was yelling at. I didn’t spot the ambulance approaching us, but all I can recall is that he was yelling. That was the last thing that I heard from him,” Julie told All That’s News in a heartbreaking account.
While the devastating crash stole away Andy’s life, young Landon clung onto his own, hanging in the balance as doctors battled to save him. His injuries were severe and survival was uncertain, but the dedicated medical staff refused to give in. Then, Landon slipped into a coma, and the fight for his life became a struggle on another plane. In that comatose state, Landon experienced what can only be described as a near-death encounter, a divine meeting with Jesus Christ Himself.
The harrowing two weeks saw doctors resuscitating Landon multiple times. But then, a miracle: Landon woke from his coma, free of brain damage and ready to reclaim his life. The young survivor also awoke with a story, a tale of his communion with Jesus Christ, a divine message he felt compelled to share with everyone who would lend an ear.
The moment of truth came when Julie had to tell Landon of his father’s death. As Julie prepared to break the tragic news, she asked him, “Do you know where dad is at?” But before she could go any further, Landon’s response stunned her.
“Yes, I know where he’s at. I saw him in heaven,” Landon told his mother.
He continued, “I just want people to realize that Jesus is real, there is a heaven, there are angels. And to follow His word and the Bible, and life does get better at the end.”
Landon’s story of his celestial encounter, shared by All That’s News, resonated with readers, prompting a flurry of comments. One reader, reflecting on their own experiences with loved ones at death’s door, affirmed, “I have no doubt about his experience! I have been with dying family members and had similar experiences.”
Another reader echoed Landon’s sentiments, saying, “I did not make it to heaven, but I walked with four angels towards a hand reaching down in a beam of pure light. It was so peaceful. It really is true the peace of the tribe surpasses all understanding.”
A grieving spouse added, “I know heaven is!! That’s where my husband is, and I will see him again! I thank Jesus for his love and mercy.”
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Source: AWM