Gun Grabbing Liberal Congresswoman FINALLY Said It…


Folks, there is nothing worse in this world than a politician that wants to take away guns or ammo from law-abiding citizens.

Now don’t get me wrong. I have no real issue with keeping violent criminals from owning firearms. If you have demonstrably proven that you cannot be trusted with a tool of such import as a firearm, then you shouldn’t have one.

That being said, there are millions of responsible gun owners who the closest they will ever come to committing a crime with a firearm is cleaning their Walther PDP Compact while watching a movie about a bank robbery.

That’s never stopped Democrats from trying to take away guns at every possible turn. If they can’t take them away, they try to make sure that you have to jump through a million and one hoops in order to be in compliance with their rules within other rules.

This depends on things on a state by state basis. Most of the states that are controlled by Republican legislatures definitely have their stuff in one sock when it comes to gun regulations.

It’s what I love about living in an open carry state. I can walk into a grocery store with my Walther PDP Compact and not have to worry about the police getting called on me while I’m getting some polish sausage to make with the sack of potatoes I just bought.

However, one of my cousins lives in Chicago and it’s almost to the point where they’d want you to wear a shock collar if you owned a Walther PDP Compact.

Most of the liberal gun-grabbing politicians try to be slick about their efforts to curb gun rights. However, there are some that do the equivalent of walking around with a sandwich board saying “I AM TAKING YOUR GUNS” and don’t make any cones about it.

Bonnie Coleman is a Democrat Congresswoman from the state of New Jersey. You might know New Jersey as the one that smells like smoke and hot garbage.

Anyway, she’s a gun grabber that has been trying to get a national gun registry going. What that means is that no matter what state you live in, no matter what your local gun laws are, there would be a database of every gun owner and how many guns that person owns.

To give you an idea of how unbelievably stupid that is, I’ll let you in on a non-firearms related hobby of mine. I collect blu-rays and DVDs with the enthusiasm of a hoarder that sees a sale at a Goodwill store.

It’s mostly for when/if the power goes out from a hurricane. I can tell you this, my blu-ray player doesn’t care if the internet is out. So I grab every reasonably priced movie I can. I have hundreds of them. The wall in my living room could rival a Blockbuster in their heyday.

All that said, imagine if every single time I bought a Blu-ray I had to report that purchase to a government database. And what if the people who control that database decided that I had too many movies in my collection that had Christian overtones to them?

What if they decided my wife had too many Elvis movies in the collection? What if I bought too many Clint Eastwood movies according to the government?

Any time the government puts information in a database they can use it against you even when you are doing nothing wrong. It’s how they control you. It wouldn’t matter to them if you owned fifty guns or a single Walther PDP Compact. If they wanted, they could make it so you only owned a certain amount of ammunition.

Let’s face it people, gun registration is the holy grail of what these gun grabbers want. Which is why we have to do everything we can to keep people like Bonnie Coleman from ever being in a position where she can truly tip the scales. Don’t believe me and how she’s as full of it as a Christmas goose? Here is is right from her own mouth.

“I think it is a wonderful idea that we have a registry of every gun that is owned by a civilian in the United States of America because then we could have, perhaps, less killings in our neighborhoods, less killings at our supermarkets, less killings at our concerts, less killings period in the United States of America,” Coleman said in a recent statement.

Here’s the thing that she is ignoring with that statement. It’s never, and I mean NEVER the law abiding gun owners of this great country that are doing the robbing and the killing, the menacing of honest people.

Every single time it is some inner city thug who a firearm is as disposable to them as a paper napkin would be to you and I.

Which means that none of this is about lowering crime. It’s all about control.

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