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On Monday, President Donald Trump took the stage at a rally in Derry, New Hampshire and had the crowd roaring with laughter. The President’s remarks were focused on his opponent for the 2020 election, former Vice President Joe Biden.
In particular, Trump mentioned a recent comment made by Biden about beating him up “behind a barn.”
The comment was made during an appearance last week in which Biden said he wished he could take Trump “behind the gym” for a fight.
While Biden later clarified that he meant this as a joke, many people were outraged by his language and felt it was inappropriate.
President Trump seized on this opportunity to poke fun at his opponent and get some laughs from the crowd.
He started off by praising Biden’s physical fitness before suggesting that maybe they should just have their duel “behind the barn” instead of behind the gym.
This quip sent everyone into fits of laughter, as it reminded them of how silly such an idea really is.
President Trump: But did you ever hear some of these people talking about the viciousness? “When you see them in a restaurant, you go in there and you know what you do to them, right?” If I ever did that. If I ever did that, problems. And then remember when Biden, “I’d like to take him to the back of the barn.”
I dream of that. You know what I do with him? Oh, I dream of it. (fake punching) Poof – Poof – Poof! (crowd cheering) I’d hit him right in that fake nose. That fake nose they’d have plastic lying all over the floor. But I don’t want to say that. So when he says it, they say, oh, he said remember when he was doing that? I’d like to take him to the back of the barn.
You know what you do with him? You just look at him and you go like this. (blowing sound)
But so he can say that. And they say, oh, did you hear him? If I said it, they’d say I was violent. I was violent. There’s two standards of justice. It’s a very bad thing.