When You See What These Suitcases Are For Your Heart Will Drop…


Ask anyone in the world of comedy about Tiffany Haddish and they’ll tell you her “overnight success” was a long time coming. From hitting comedy club after comedy club to seeking advice from and rubbing elbows with successful talents (like Kevin Hart) Haddish was constantly working on herself and developing her talent. So when she landed the role of Dina in Girls Trip, she bit down on it and never let go.

With all her success, there’s nothing better than a celebrity using their wealth and influence to improve the lives of those in need, except for maybe a celebrity who is giving back to those in the very situation they once found themselves in before their fame, fortune, and success.

And Yes! Tiffany Haddish is once again giving back.

The actress made a thoughtful donation over the holidays of over 100 suitcases to the Indiana Department of Child Services to be distributed to foster children.

Tiffany has also been open about how, at the age of 12, Tiffany and her five younger siblings were placed into foster care after facing abuse at home.

Tiffany spoke to David Letterman about how when she would be moved to a new foster home, she had to pack her belongings in a garbage bag. Tiffany explained that doing so made her feel like all of her belongings were garbage, but it changed when she was able to get a suitcase.

“I remember when I got my first suitcase, I felt like I was a traveler, like I had a purpose, like I’m a person, like I’m not garbage, I got this,” she told David.

“It’s mine, and my things are in here, and wherever I go I can take this with me and I’m going somewhere,” Tiffany said.

Being able to provide that feeling for children going through similar situations is why Tiffany and her charitable foundation She Ready often makes large donations of suitcases for children in foster care, alongside providing other resources.

While she has made these donations for years, in December 2020 the donation was made for children in Northwest Indiana.

According to AWM:

Manuel contacted the She Ready Foundation, which was founded by Haddish to enrich the lives of children in the foster care system. Before Manuel could take a deep breath, Haddish’s publicist responded and told Manuel to expect delivery of more than 100 suitcases in time for the Christmas holiday.

When the suitcases arrived, the Indiana DCS posted a picture of the amazing haul on their official Twitter account. Indiana Department of Child Services Regional Manager for Lake County Ellis Dumas confirmed that Haddish’s donation was so wonderful because the suitcases would be put to good use by all the children.

“Often, it’s hard to buy gifts for teenagers in general. So to be able to give them something that they’re going to be tangibly using is always phenomenal and awesome — Miss Haddish made that possible,” Dumas said. “The suitcases in themselves, and who they came from Miss Haddish, Tiffany Haddish, is a sentiment to our foster children that there’s a success and support out there.”

Watch the video below for more details:

Sources: AWM, DialyMail

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