The Way This Elderly Nun Stopped A Robbery Is Absolutely Perfect…


A Buffalo nun literally took matters into her own hands when she saw two men trying to steal gutters off the Response to Love Center. The men were no match for Sister Mary Johnice.

In the early hours of Jan. 14, two thieves used a ladder to climb onto the roof of a charity in Buffalo. Thieves targeted the Response to Love Center – a faith-based charity that assists the impoverished in Buffalo. The robbers allegedly wanted to steal copper pipes.

Sister Mary Johnice Rzadkiewicz, the director of the center, woke up early to pray. She heard the commotion outside the charity and went to investigate.

Sister Johnice told WKBW-TV, “So, I opened the door and saw a ladder — here’s a ladder over here, and I walked out, and I looked up, and said, ‘Get out of here. How dare you do this to God’s property — this is his mission!'”

What happened next is a true testament to the power of will and faith. Sister Johnice managed to summon all the strength in her 76-year-old body and threw the ladder down, leaving the thieves stranded on the roof.

She told the Buffalo News, “I threw the ladder down, which was huge as could be, and lo and behold, they ran away.”

The nun added, “When I took that ladder and knocked it down — I amazed myself when I see it now.”

More details from The Buffalo News:

“They could have come here for food or clothing. They could have come for a kind word, some guidance, but they chose a different route,” she said. “That is not of God, that is evil. I just wish I could meet them.”

She’s keeping the ladder, calling it Jacob’s ladder, after the story in the Bible about Jacob dreaming about a ladder stretching from heaven to earth. The center never had a ladder large enough to reach the roof, she said.

And, Sister Johnice said, “Every day I’ve been praying for these two thugs.”

WATCH the video below:

Sources: TheGatewayPundit, The Buffalo News, WKBW-TV

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