Schumer’s Plan To Fight Falling Birthrates Includes Legalizing 11 Million Illegals


Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York knows how America can combat the falling birth rates—Let’s legalize all the illegals! He called on Republicans Wednesday to join in passing a pathway to citizenship for “all undocumented” in the United States. Speaking to the press outside the U.S. Capitol grounds, Schumer declared:

“Now more than ever, we’re short of workers, we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to.”

Let’s legalize more than 11 million (probably closer to 30 million) undocumented immigrants—That’s his solution. This will essentially wipe out 11 million (probably closer to 30 million) Republican votes.

“So my message to Senate Republicans is this: Work with us,” Schumer said. “Work with us on this widely supported policy, so we can reach agreement that will protect families and strengthen our economy, just as we passed other bipartisan accomplishments, which they thought couldn’t be done. Guns, veterans, CHIPS.”

“We can get it done here. We can get it done here. If we can get ten Republicans to join us, we will get this done by the end of the year,” Schumer continued. “It’s a smart thing to do, it’s the right thing to do, it’s the moral thing to do, it’s the humane thing to do, and I want to assure everyone here we will not stop fighting till we get a fix for DACA, a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented.”

Schumer, a huge pro-abortion Democrat, doesn’t give two cents about the falling birthrates here at home. So what’s the angle? Democrats feed on young naive voters for support. They also used to draw a lot of support from immigrants and I think Schumer is trying to get Democrats back there.


It’ll be short-term gains for Democrats but long-term consequences for everyone else. The reason Democrats have such a hard time holding on to immigrant voters is that they eventually catch on to the game. Democrats make a lot of promises that they never keep to vulnerable demographics. Anyone who is here long enough learns that one.

The burden to then provides a big enough job market and social support programs will fall back on the rest of us.

Erica Carlin is an independent journalist, opinion writer and contributor to several news and opinion sources. She is based in Georgia.

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