Radical Dem Signs Executive Order Criminalizing Lawful Gun Owners


Philadelphia has one of the most radical left-wing mayors and district attorneys. Additionally, the city is one of the most dangerous places in the country.

Instead of getting tough on crime, the city is getting tough on lawful conceal carry permit holders.

Mayor Jim Kenney recently signed an executive order that bans concealed carry permit holders from carrying a firearm in city parks and recreational centers.

Kenney doesn’t hide the fact he’s going after lawful permit holders.

“This gives them some protection, some peace of mind, some ability to call the authorities when some knucklehead decides they want to bring a gun into a rec center, and they see it, that’s part of what this is about,” the left-wing mayor said.

The Philadelphia Inquirer added, “The order bans guns and other deadly weapons at rec center buildings, athletic courts, fields, playgrounds, and pools. Signs about the prohibition will be displayed at the facilities, the order says, and District Attorney Larry Krasner said his office could charge those in violation with trespassing — even if they are otherwise legally permitted to carry the gun in the city.”

Krasner also jabbed at lawful permit holders.

“Even if you have a permit to carry, and you go on those premises, then you’ve got a problem with me,” the Soros-backed DA said.

The Inquirer did report that the executive order will more than likely not survive a challenge in court, adding that the Pennsylvania constitution prohibits laws like the one Kenney has imposed.

“Courts have cited preemption while consistently striking down attempts by cities, including Philadelphia, to ban assault-style weapons, limit handgun purchases, and prohibit guns in parks and at recreation centers,” the Inquirer reported. The preemption statutes say, “No county, municipality, or township may in any manner regulate the lawful ownership, possession, transfer, or transportation of firearms, ammunition, or ammunition components when carried or transported for purposes not prohibited by the laws of this commonwealth.”

Instead of cracking down on incidents like the one below, the city is criminalizing lawful citizens.



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