NY AG and 14 Democrat State Attorneys General Sign Letter Requesting Biden Admin to Ban “Military-Grade” Ammunition for Citizens


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Fifteen progressive State Attorneys General nationwide jointly sent a letter on Tuesday to the Biden administration’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

The letter requested a ban on private citizens’ purchase of 5.56-millimeter rounds produced at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, advocating for their exclusive use by the military.

In doing so, they appear to have overlooked the original intent of the Founding Fathers regarding the Second Amendment.

Leading this initiative is Letitia James, New York Attorney General, who has been engaged in a legal battle against the NRA and has referred to them as a “terrorist organization.”

Her previous attempt to shut down the National Rifle Association (NRA) was blocked by a Manhattan judge in March 2022.

The letter states, “We ask your Office to investigate the contracting and manufacturing practices that led to so many billions of military-grade rounds being sold into our communities, and to issue a public report with recommendations about how to end the diversion of military ammunition into civilian hands. In the long term, we ask the White House to ensure that future production contracts prohibit the sale of military weapons and ammunition to civilians.”

Meanwhile, Democrats nationwide are being accused of playing a part in the influx of undocumented individuals at our southern border.

It is claimed that more than 11 million unauthorized immigrants, mostly young men fit for military service, including some who are known or suspected terrorists, have entered the United States due to the lax border policies.

Given this situation, there is concern about whether these individuals will adhere to our existing gun regulations once they settle in nearby communities.

Below is a list of the Attorneys General who sent a letter to the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention:


The letter further cites four mass shootings committed by deranged individuals, as they blame the ammunition, but not the individuals:

  • The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, FL, in which 17 children and adults were murdered and 17 children and adults were wounded;
  • The Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, PA, in which 11 people were murdered as they gathered for Shabbat morning service and…



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