Newsom’s Political Career Is Now DOA After Details About His Wife’s….



Governor Gavin Newsom was planning on running for the Democrat presidential nominee for the 2024 presidential race but now that is wife is tied up in a legal battle, that’s probably not going to happen.

Disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein just scored a legal victory that will probably halt any further political aspiration of California Governor Gavin Newsom.

A judge has ruled she will allow Weinstein’s legal team the opportunity to dispose of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s wife over an email she sent to the product two years after he allegedly raped her.

From the Post Millenial:

Judge Lisa Lench ruled that the defense could ask Siebel about an email she sent seeking media advice from Weinstein, “but could not say it was about revelations of an affair that Gavin Newsom had with an aide when he was mayor of San Francisco,” writes Fox News.

Weinstein attorney Mark Werksman said that details were necessary, adding “Of all things you’d think a woman that is raped by Harvey Weinstein wouldn’t do, it’s ask[ing] him how to deal with a sex scandal.”

“The fact that she comes to Mr. Weinstein for that advice indicates the friendship and companionship of Jane Doe 4 and Mr. Weinstein. The defense will be that they had an affair, that they had consensual sex,” he continued.

Siebel Newsom is one of five women who accused Weinstein of sexually assaulting them. However, Weinstein’s legal team argues his relationship with Newsom was consensual.

The California governor’s wife pushed back through her legal counsel, stating, “She intends to testify at his trial in order to seek some measure of justice for survivors, and as part of her life’s work to improve the lives of women… Please respect her choice to not discuss this matter outside of the courtroom.”

However, Rose McGowan – the actress that blew the lid off the Weinstein scandal – claims that Newsom and Weinstein were friends. The former actress stated that Newsom called her six months before the scandal became an international story.

If Weinstein’s allegations are proven to be true, Newsom will not be able to run in 2024.


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