Jonathan Moises Wuanloxten-Hidalgo stabbed his ex-girlfriend and drove off with her 4-year-old niece, authorities said. (Image: Unified Police Department; screenshot: KSTU)
A man was sentenced on Friday for a bloody attack in which he stabbed his ex-girlfriend as part of a “ruse” and drove off while her 4-year-old niece remained in the vehicle.
Jonathan Moises Wuanloxten-Hidalgo must serve two consecutive terms of 3 years to life for a count each of attempted murder and attempted kidnapping, according to Salt Lake City Fox affiliate KSTU.
“I feel unsafe wherever I am,” the woman reportedly said in a victim impact statement. “I cannot sleep well at night because I always dream about what happened in this incident.”
“The amount of blood loss that [the victim] suffered, it is frankly amazing that she is here today to speak in front of the court,” prosecutor Blithe Cravens reportedly said.
Authorities said Wuanloxten-Hidalgo stabbed her six to seven times, cutting an artery. The defendant, who is not a U.S. citizen, faces deportation to Venezuela if he were to be paroled.
Police said that on Dec. 9, 2022, Wuanloxten-Hidalgo lured the woman with a request for a ride in Midvale, Utah, according to Salt Lake City radio station KSL. At the time, she said they had broken up a month before, and he “has been stalking her ever since,” according to police documents.
That night, he refused to get out of the vehicle.
“She was about three houses away when Waunloxten-Hidalgo pulled out a knife and started stabbing her,” authorities reportedly wrote. “[The woman] accelerated and stopped in front of her mother’s house. [She] tried to get out of the vehicle, but Waunloxten-Hidalgo pulled her back in by her hair and covered her mouth.”
“Moreover, there is evidence that the defendant tricked the victim to pick him up in the vehicle by a ruse, and then chose to stab her multiple times in an effort to kill her while a [4-year-old] was watching from the back seat of the vehicle,” they wrote.
Wuanloxten-Hidalgo sparked an Amber Alert by driving off while the woman’s 4-year-old niece remained in the vehicle.
“I killed her, I killed her! I’m running,” Waunloxten-Hidalgo told a friend on the phone. On receiving an Amber Alert, that friend called the cops.
The girl was located unharmed later that night.
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