The stepmother of long-missing Harmony Montgomery, a girl who disappeared in New Hampshire at the age of five in 2019 but who was not reported missing until 2021, has been arrested for the third time since the investigation into her stepdaughter’s whereabouts began.
According to the New Hampshire Department of Justice, Kayla Montgomery, 31, was arrested Friday, June 3, on perjury charges, independent Boston, Mass. TV station WHDH reported.
According to Manchester, N.H. ABC affiliate WMUR, those charges are based on allegations that Kayla Montgomery lied to grand jurors.
She was reportedly arrested in the lobby of the Manchester Police Department by Manchester police officers, Manchester Police Chief Allen Aldenberg told WMUR reporter Amy Coveno.
The step-mother of #harmonymontgomery is back in jail. Kayla Montgomery was arrested Fri. morning in the lobby of the #MANCHESTER police department when she arrived for her daily check in…she is now accused of perjury according to officials…for lying to the grand jury. #WMUR
— Amy Coveno (@amyWMUR) June 4, 2022
“The arrest of Kayla Montgomery is another step in the investigation into the whereabouts of Harmony Montgomery,” Aldenberg told WMUR. “We will continue to do everything in our power to bring this case to a resolution.”
As Law&Crime previously reported, the girl’s missing status was not reported until late 2021 by her mother, Crystal Sorey, who lost custody of her daughter soon after she was born due to substance abuse issues. In 2014, the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families took custody of the girl and placed her in foster care. Between 2014 and 2018, Sorey repeatedly regained custody of her daughter. But, on each occasion, the state took Harmony Montgomery back and away…