Jill’s Ex-Spox ‘Caught’ Bringing Gay Hook-Ups Near Joe’s Hotel Room – The Conservative


(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) Michael LaRosa, the former press secretary to First Lady Jill Biden, attempted twice to bring gay hook-up dates near the secured room of President Joe Biden while on an overseas trip, according to an explosive Daily Mail report.

The report, citing White House sources, accused LaRosa of violating Secret Service protocol by bringing men he had just met to the heavily guarded floor where Joe Biden was staying during the 2022 NATO Summit in Madrid.

This behavior led to his “forced resignation” on July 2022, the Mail reported.

Such a move, a senior White House staffer said, placed the president and first lady at risk. “He was caught by Secret Service not once, but twice bringing dates to a secure floor, obviously putting the First Lady’s safety at risk because you’re not supposed to bring people in who are not fully vetted,” the staffer said, according to the Mail.

Responding to the report, LaRosa, who is gay, admitted that he only tried to bring a male staffer from a NATO country delegation.

Another Biden official said that LaRosa’s last six months at the White House were marked by a “long line of chaotic behavior, outbursts, unreliability, unpredictability, and lack of judgment.”

The report followed LaRosa’s scathing criticisms against the sinking Biden administration, giving the impression that the White House is purposely leaking information to retaliate against LaRosa for his criticism. 

LaRosa made headlines in November after condemning officials within the Biden administration over sinking polls, some showing Joe Biden trailing behind former President Donald Trump. LaRosa blamed White House officials for “failing to respond to smears, lies, conspiracies, and disinfo” against Joe Biden.

In a now-deleted tweet, LaRosa also claimed that only Jill Biden can “help change the people” around Joe Biden. LaRosa has also appeared on CNN and MSNBC to directly criticize his former boss’s husband.


One Biden aide dismissed LaRosa as a low-level staffer who never had a “seat at the table,” adding, “This whole idea that he was this very senior insider and was like very close to the president or First Lady, and focused on the campaign and political strategy, that could not be farther from the truth.” 

The aide continued, “He was never allowed into any senior White House strategy meetings, and the way he is portraying himself for media, for Twitter, for clicks, whatever, it’s not just an eyeroll. It’s truly wrong and it’s annoying to me personally.”



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