Eyebrows Are Raised After Pentagon Releases New Form For Military Personnel…


The recent UAP/UFO endeavor from the Pentagon has had some people talking.

The Pentagon reportedly set up a new website and form submission asking current and former members of the U.S. military and DOD contractors to disclose any information they may have on covert UFO reverse engineering efforts.

Some people think it’s a bad idea to post material that may be classified or harmful to American security interests on the new website.

A quick review of the website’s rules and directives will reveal a warning to employees not to post any sensitive or classified material.

Do not submit a report unless you are a current or former member of the United States armed forces or a current or former contractor with the Department of Defense who has access to the necessary information and proof.

You will be punished if you try to utilize this portal to submit civilian reports without the required authorization from AARO, which is not doing so at this moment.

Here is what we know so far regarding the reporting system:

AARO Director Sean Kirkpatrick released this statement:

“Strongly encourage any current or former U.S. government employees… who believe they have first-hand knowledge of a US UAP program or activity to please come forward.”

CBS News explained:

The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office says it will use the information submitted through its website in a report on UAPs.

The AARO, which was established through the annual defense policy bill approved by Congress in 2021, is considered the leading federal agency for UAP efforts.

Mike Colangelo provided a counter-perspective on the newly launched website and UAP report submission form:

“Coverage from News Nation on the new UFO reporting form on AAROs minimal effort website. News anchors Leland Vittert and Chris Cuomo agree that the AARO website and new reporting form seems useless and not very secure for sensitive information from government employees and folks with security clearances.”

NBC News added:

Kirkpatrick said the form is different from other established reporting measures, such as for sightings by military pilots or the FAA’s process for civilian pilots.

What Congress asked his office to do in this review is to have whistleblowers “and anyone that wants to come forward … present their case and make their statement, for the record,” Kirkpatrick said.


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