Dr. Richard Gilbert analyzes an x-ray of Johnny Depp’s severed fingertip.
An orthopedic surgeon called by Johnny Depp found the actor’s account of how he lost his fingertip plausible—and Amber Heard’s counter-explanation “highly unlikely.”
His testimony on Thursday reached a diametrically opposite conclusion that was reached by a similar expert called by Heard, setting up a battle of the experts for when the case goes to a jury.
“I Miss It”
Dr. Richard Gilbert, a New York-based hand specialist with Northwell Health, served as the last witness for Depp’s rebuttal case on Thursday. Gilbert answered testimony by Dr. Richard Moore, who tried to discredit the Pirates of the Caribbean star’s testimony that a shattered bottle thrown by Heard severed his fingertip.
“I miss it,” Depp recently reminisced on witness stand, referring to his intact finger.
Both Gilbert and Moore inspected the same X-rays taken in Australia in March 2015, showing different views of Depp’s detached digit.
It is undisputed that Depp and Heard had been fighting around that time and that one assaulted the other with a liquor bottle.
From there, the former couple’s stories diverge wildly. Heard claims that Depp swallowed some eight to 10 capsules of MDMA, over the course of a three-day violent battle. The Aquaman actress claims that Depp smashed a wall-mounted phone to smithereens, which she said sliced off his finger. Heard also said Depp held her down by the neck to a bar and raped her with a liquor bottle.
Depp denies those allegations, claiming that Heard assaulted him with a vodka battle that she threw at him. He asserts that it shattered with his hand wrapped around the bar, slicing his fingertip off in the process.
On Thursday,…