Dem Congressman Vicious Ultimatum To Trump Supporters Reveals This Is All About Political Persecution


Rep. Eric “Fang Fang” Swalwell warned Trump supporters that they better abandon the former president or they are next.

“If you’ve been aboard the Trump Train the last 7 years, you’ve been given an unexpected stop. Time to get off. Wherever you think this is going, it’s not. Trump stole Top Secret documents. He’s put a target on the backs of cops. This is getting ugly. Don’t be in the wreckage,” The California congressman wrote.

Jenna Ellis blasted Swalwell’s threat.

“The Espionage Act?! If ANYONE is guilty of releasing information that could hurt national security it’s ERIC SWALWELL. Come on,” Ellis wrote

“Didn’t you bang a Chinese spy?” RedState columnist Buzz Patterson added.

Conservative commentator Pete D’Abrosca mocked Swalwell, “Lmao yeah that’ll never happen.” He subsequently posed the question, “If we’re the ones who are in trouble why are they the ones who seem so desperate?”

In December of 2020, it was reported that Rep. Eric Swalwell was targeted by a Chinese national named Fang Fang, suspected of being a Chinese intelligence operative. Fang Fang, aka Christine Fang, was part of Swalwell’s re-election campaign, and there were rumors he had an affair with her.

At some point in 2015, Fang was detected by federal investigators and informed the Congressman who they believed Fang Fang was. According to reports, Fang fled the United States after Swalwell cut ties with her.

Axios | Fox News


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