Biden Defends Stance On Refusing Gun Rights To Medical Marijuana Users!


Now, I know some out there agree with this stance, but I stand with the constitution, and “do not infringe” means just that.

The constitution does not say that those who drink or use prescription Xanax are not allowed to arm themselves, right?

So, there is no reason that the federal government has any say in the American people’s God-given right to own a firearm.

It is a complete overreach by the government, and it will not stop until the American people say enough is enough.

However, the Biden administration is hell-bent on disarming the American people. They are well aware that the people are fed up with the way that they are destroying the nation.

They know that the only thing standing between them and their ultimate goal is a well-armed population.

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Here is more from the liberal rag, Reason:

The Biden administration yesterday urged a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the ban on gun possession by medical marijuana users, saying that law is consistent with a long tradition of firearm regulation in the United States. Furthermore, the Justice Department says, that prohibition makes perfect sense because marijuana use impairs the ability to handle guns responsibly.

The government’s lawyers were responding to a lawsuit by Nikki Fried, a Democrat who runs the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Fried, whose department oversees concealed carry permits and some parts of Florida’s medical marijuana industry, argues that prohibiting all cannabis consumers from owning guns violates the Second Amendment. She also claims that the policy violates a congressional spending rider, known as the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment, that bars the Justice Department from interfering with the implementation of state medical marijuana laws.

As the Justice Department notes in its motion to dismiss, courts have “uniformly upheld” the federal law that criminalizes gun possession by “unlawful users” of controlled substances, which is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. In the 2016 case Wilson v. Lynch, for example, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled that banning gun sales to people who have medical marijuana cards is consistent with the Second Amendment because “empirical data and legislative determinations support a strong link between drug use and violence.”

That decision, Fried argues, suffered from “a thin and stale factual record” and ignored a 2013 study commissioned by the Office of National Drug Control Policy that found “marijuana use does not induce violent crime.” She says “the stated factual basis for Wilson and its progeny, at least as it relates to state-law-abiding medical marijuana patients, is obsolete and without scientific support.”

The Justice Department’s brief does not claim that marijuana use makes people violent. Instead, it emphasizes marijuana’s effects on “judgment, cognition, and physical coordination,” which other courts have noted and Florida acknowledges in the consent form it requires for medical marijuana patients. Those effects, the Justice Department argues, make cannabis consumption incompatible with responsible gun ownership.

The same argument, of course, could be applied to many legal drugs. Yet the federal government does not prohibit gun ownership by people who take psychoactive prescription drugs, such as benzodiazepines or opioid analgesics. Nor does it prohibit drinkers from owning firearms, although the Justice Department notes state gun laws aimed at “alcoholics” or “intoxicated” individuals. The ban for cannabis consumers, by contrast, applies whether or not they handle guns while impaired.

The federal government needs to keep its paws off our guns and that is it.


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