Another Big CNN Host Just Got Some Very Bad News He’s About To Be Purged, Says Report


As many of you know, CNN is under new management, and they have slowly begun cleaning houses.

They’ve either fired or moved around many of the “old guard” so they don’t have as much influence and fired most of the former executives.

Former Mediate editor – now an independent journalist – Jon Nicosia appears to have the ear of the new bosses at CNN. They have given him a heads-up that Jim Acosta is the next personality to be purged.

On October 11, 2022, Nicosia posted that an unnamed executive had told him that a big name at CNN is about to get his walking papers.

“He does not have a place in the new CNN. He reminds us of the Zucker period we are looking to move far from. The only reason he is still on air was not to look like we were ‘cleaning house’ for political reasons right after the closing,” A Discovery Executive told Nicosia.

Nicosia agreed with the executive that he would not release the name of the person about to be let go until the end of the week.

On October 14, 2022, the former Mediate editor reported the person about to be let go is CNN host Jim Acosta.

“The person this Discovery exec was talking about is Jim Acosta. CNN (like they did when I reported about Stelter being let go) will be to defend the person. That’s what network PR people do,” Nicosia reported. “Keep in mind many of the recent people let go had big support within the network but did not fit into the ‘middle ground’ vision CNN is being pushed into. Since Acosta was the main Trump lightning rod between the “old” CNN and the new owners future vision he will either go quick, or with a lot of internal pushback.”

The executive also told Nicosia that they are dealing with a lot of internal pushback, slowing the network’s transition.

Nicosia has been a very reliable source, he broke the CNN+ shutdown, the Chris Wallace tantrums, the TV show changes, and the firing of Brian Stelter.

Mediaite reported on October 17, 2022 that the rumors were “absolute bulls—,” the source close to CNN leadership confirmed the report.

However, the media made similar claims when the news leaked that Stelter was on his way out. We know there is a power struggle going on inside CNN, so time will tell what actually happens, but Nicosia hasn’t been wrong yet.


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